Intelligence Pathways - Business Intelligence and Competitive Insights
  • Business Intelligence and Competitive Insights

    Customer Value Creation

  • Over 30 Years of Combined Experience in Consulting & Research!

    Business intelligence consulting from A to Z

  • One of the FEW global full services solutions providers!

    We Offer Exceptional Backoffice Services

  • Value Added Solutions

    Advisory services - valuable findings, actionable recommendations

  • Our services are relevant to your business

    Global business intelligence services

  • Building an Intelligence Capability

    We offer flexibility and results

  • Global Consulting Experience

    We offer your business international consultancy solutions

  • Customized Reporting Solutions

    Report design, charting and population services and strict quality control

Business Intelligence & Competitive Insights
Business and Competitive Intelligence Outsourcing by Intelligence Pathways
Business and Competitive Intelligence Outsourcing Services (CLICK TO ENLARGE)

We are a leading global provider of world class consulting, back office support and proven expertise in four different major areas - competitive intelligence, marketing research, business intelligence and strategy. Few companies can claim such extensive expertise and really mean it. We can. We have done it.

With years of experience in the industry, we clearly know how to develop the best models and tools that specifically match your business needs. Unlike many other companies on the market, we do not simply offer you solutions with standardized tools. Instead, we consider your specific strategy, goals and needs and then we provide you with guidance, advice and the tools for the development of the right business metrics so we can make actionable recommendations that will directly reflect on your ROI.

Intelligence Pathways is the only company that has a full competency model for all aspects of intelligence, backed by proven intelligence processes, training and a full scale job competency model for all levels required from high level strategic to downstream field sales intelligence. We offer the full spectrum of services or what we call end to end. We advise, design and build 6 major processes that are metric based, supply you with all the requirements related to people, process and tools.

If you do not have the sufficient human resources available then you can outsource your back office assignments to us in order to do complex primary research studies.

Introducing Intelligence Pathways Tools Suite

Business Intelligence Tools

Intelligence Pathways Tools is offering interactive tool templates that help you build a monitoring system and C-Suite ready deliverables. The tools are designed to assist small, middle and large companies alike in their efforts to monitor competition.

Get Started with Intelligence Pathways Tools HERE
Full Service Business Intelligence Company

When we say world class, we mean it. While we offer the ability to pick and choose your services, we also can provide a comprehensive build for you that we call E2E or End to End. By end to end, we mean start to finish. When we are done, you will have attained a comprehensive capability for your organization. That means you will have a methodology, processes, workflow, dataflow and deliverables to support your program.

Yes, we deliver a full structured capability including people, process tools and deliverables to service your needs. Intelligence Pathways expert capabilities combined with our world class partners, Comintelli, Bitwise and Innnobi, we deliver a world class capability second to none in the Intelligence arena.

Our Key Advantages


Key advantages of Intelligence Pathways - Business Intelligence and Competitive Insights
  • Over 30 years of combined industry experience. Experts on international markets and industry
  • Full portfolio of proven services that cover every aspect of strategic planning, actionable intelligence, customer insights, business analytics and performance reporting capabilities
  • Helping our customers create value and make money in the marketplace.
  • Our services are all encompassing and our flawless execution provides for significant return of investment.
  • We adhere to strict International codes of ethics.


Latest Updates

Latest entries from out Blog:

How to Analyze Competitors Social Media Marketing Strategy
By: Intelligence Pathways Team 27-Jul-2018

With the boom of social media in recent years, more and more companies make investment in social media marketing a priority in their engagement strategy. Social media provides ample opportunity for marketing through sharing texts, images, and videos, and ... [Full story]

Unstructured Data – Benefits, Challenges and Ways to Manage It
By: Intelligence Pathways Team 26-Jul-2018

With the advent of technology and modern applications, data has become predominantly unstructured in the form of text, video files, social media posts, and emails. As a result, it has become harder to manage since it does not have a specific format and ... [Full story]

Bulgaria – the outsourcing hub of the Balkans
By: Intelligence Pathways Team 24-Jul-2018

The Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region has become one of the most attractive regions for foreign investment and outsourcing in recent years. According to the Financial Times, economic growth in the region for 2017 is 2.5% and is expected to rise to ... [Full story]

Services Summary
Industry Consulting Expertise of Intelligence Pathways

We service number of industries, namely healthcare, medical devices, transportation, oil gas and energy utilities, financial services, CPG consumer products, telecom, IT, aerospace and aviation, defense and government, heavy and light industrials, and media. Our focus and experience is on both B2B and B2C areas. It has to be because our goal is not only to service our customers, but also to help our customers service their customers.
End to End processes by Intelligence Pathways

While we offer the ability to pick and choose your services, we also can provide a comprehensive build for you that is called E2E or End to End. By end to end, we mean start to finish. When we are done, you will have attained a comprehensive capability for your organization. That means you will have a methodology, processes, workflow, dataflow and deliverables to support your program.
Consulting Advisory services by Intelligence Pathways

Our consulting advisory services maintains a battery of expert industry strategic analysts to serve your needs. Let us show you how we work with you to build and implement your end to end [E2E] M&A Intelligence Touchpoints process.
Back Office services by Intelligence Pathways

Our back office services are the ideal solution for companies that need to outsource part of their marketing efforts. Whether you have a routine newsletter that needs to be published or would like to use our charting and report population services we can support your company while providing you with excellent quality at unmatched prices anywhere in Western Europe and the United States.
Standard Reporting services by Intelligence Pathways

It is not enough to strategize, plan and execute your business. You must have a way to track performance based on solid performance metrics, monitor progress and report on your business. This means that you have to have designed and created solid metrics, implemented good systems and developed a set of well understood dashboards that provide an insightful look into the business and how it is performing against your strategic, financial and sales goals.
Intelligence analytics services by Intelligence Pathways

Intelligence Pathways offers a proven intelligence toolkit of proprietary designed deliverables that can be leveraged for your business and are ready to go once customized. Need a way to deliver immediate ROI from your intelligence capability? This is the way to do it. These deliverables have been proven time and time again with C-Suite and other management executives. We can package them together for you into an analysis set for C-Suite.
Organizational build services by Intelligence Pathways

Require a full service intelligence and insights capability. Intelligence Pathways has many years of experience in creating global intelligence programs for companies across a myriad of industries. Intelligence Pathways is the ONLY company that has a full competency model for all aspects of intelligence, backed by proven intelligence processes, training and a full scale job competency model for all levels required from high level strategic to downstream field sales intelligence.
CEI™ core training by Intelligence Pathways

We are one of the few competitive intelligence companies that offer a full complement of training modules in web-based format. Intelligence Pathways realizes how busy your talent is and understands how difficult is to get people together for training these days. In addition, we emphasize that competitive intelligence should be a function of everyone in your company, so we make it accessible and affordable for your entire staff.

Selected Industry Expertise SEE ALL INDUSTRIES
Heavy and Light Industrials Industry Consulting Expertise of Intelligence Pathways

Heavy and light industrial markets overlap some of the other market segments we speak of in our portfolio of expertise. Intelligence Pathways has worked with industries across the spectrum from commercial explosives to warehousing equipment manufacturing. Key to these markets is the understanding of manufacturing, product development and value chain ...

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Telecom Industry Consulting Expertise of Intelligence Pathways

Intelligence Pathways LTD services the telecommunications industry in several areas – security, cable, networks (both mobile and fixed operators), as well as equipment manufacturers). We realize that this sector is going through rough competition that drives margins down. While most of our services are suitable for the telecommunication companies, ...

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Consumer Industry Consulting Expertise of Intelligence Pathways

Let’s face it. IF you are in business, you have a consumer. So, in many ways, every market is a consumer market. When we speak of consumer markets under this category, we refer to end consumers or B2C consumers. Many B2B companies also have consumer markets so there is some overlap in our capabilities and the markets we serve. For instance, ...

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Defense and Government Industry Consulting Expertise of Intelligence Pathways

INTELLIGENCE PATHWAYS DEFENSE RESEARCH [IPDR] Intelligence Pathways LTD has the direct experience to meet the needs of the Federal, Defense, Aerospace, State and Local and International Government markets through it’s JDR division. Our consultants are experienced in all aspects of the business including an understanding of the [FAR] Federal ...

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Industry Consulting Expertise of Intelligence Pathways

Intelligence Pathways has profound experience in the fast growing gaming business in Europe, Asia and the United States. Among the many projects that we have been involved at we could list: In each of these global locations we provide comprehensive market research and analysis that fit the local customer preferences and government regulations!
Industry Consulting Expertise of Intelligence Pathways

Intelligence Pathways offers various localization, translation and customization services for online businesses. We have helped our partners develop websites in over 30 languages. Few examples:

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