Intelligence Pathways - Business Intelligence and Competitive Insights
  • Intelligence Pathways’s Web-Based Training Course Programs™

    We are the only competitive intelligence company that offers a full compliment of training modules in web-based format.

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Intellience Pathways Academy CEI™ Core Training
Intelligence Pathways Academy CEI™ CORE TRAINING SERVICES

We are the only competitive intelligence company that offers a full compliment of training modules. Intelligence Pathways realizes how busy you resources are and understands how difficult is to get people together for training these days. In addition, we emphasize that competitive intelligence should be a function of everyone in your company, so we make it accessible and affordable for your entire staff. That is why we have created this set of training courses in one to two hour formats. In this way, your company receives a comprehensive training in all aspects of CI without taking people away from their jobs.

Intelligence Pathways core training services

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